By Catherine Maisonneuve, blogger and yogi
If you are regularly practicing yoga and wondering about the next step in your practice, look no further. The answer is both simple and enjoyable, and involves combining yoga with your vacation: A yoga retreat.
Yoga retreats are perfectly suited to yogis who want to deepen their practice, switch off from everyday life and take a break to reconnect while relaxing and renewing in an inspiring location. Yoga retreats are as myriad as they are diverse, and when the time comes to choose one that’s right for you, you want to look for one that fits with your tastes and desires.
At a retreat, several yoga classes are usually offered each day, which gives you plenty of time to devote to your practice and go deeper into certain postures, breathwork or meditation techniques, whether you plan on a long or a short stay. Since retreats are reserved for small groups and their slogan is, “Take it easy,” it’s a perfect opportunity to refine each stage that constitutes the practice of yoga.
What’s more, taking part in a yoga retreat gives you to chance to put the frantic pace of life on hold and take some quality time for yourself. It’s an excellent way to reconnect with yourself and who you are. At the end of the retreat, you are sure to be better rested, energized and reinvigorated. Between classes, participants have plenty of free time to enjoy the extraordinary surroundings, relax, and of course, to enjoy all the other activities that are offered as well as mealtimes that are specially designed to enhance well-being.
Would you like to try out a yoga retreat? Or are you curious to find out more?
Dozens of retreats are posted on YogaTribes. Check them out in our retreat section. The next step is the hardest: Choosing your next … yoga … destination.

Life is a miracle
Blogger and yogi at Checking-in.ca
Author of the travel blog Checking-in.ca and freelance journalist specializing in travel, lifestyle and gastronomy. Part-time yogi and passionate about fitness, wellness and adventure.