Looking at my children through a mother’s eyes, I realized they could learn some wonderful things! And looking at life through their eyes, I discovered that in return, I could teach them some wonderful things… especially if I unleashed my own inner child!!!
Teaching yoga to children is the first step in a path that allows me to examine myself, accept who I am, let go, and take risks. This mission I’ve given myself for the past few years – to support children through yoga and mindfulness – satisfies my desire to learn, grow, and share values with them. Ever since the birth of my first daughter, I’ve been drawn to topics surrounding wellness in children and parents, and by extension, in families. Over time, many training sessions, workshops, and lectures enriched my knowledge and experience as a parent.
Yoga had been part of my life, off and on, since I was 20 years old, and I’ve always longed for balance and harmony. One day, a friend asked if I had ever considered becoming a yoga instructor. I brushed her off; what could I possibly teach someone else?
And yet, a few days later, the answer manifested itself: “yes, but only if I can teach children.” Bingo! My nearly-obsessive mission to ensure my daughters grew into good humans and caretakers of the Earth had now broadened to include all children. My professional experience in journalism and communications would both support and complement this life choice.
As with adults, yoga for children is a way to stay connected with your own physical and psychic impulses. In the children’s practice, postures are often performed as movements, imagination is a constant, and learning is acquired through all five senses.
Studies from the four corners of the world have highlighted numerous positive effects in children who had engaged in yoga practice. These include:
- Reduced symptoms of hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and aggression;
- Improved coordination;
- Improved attention span, planning ability, and memory.
My ultimate goal is to allow children to discover the seed of beauty and goodness that exists within each of them, and to encourage them to bloom in all their glory.
We’re learning to grow together!
Me, at a glance: a journalist by training, a Brazilian by birth and adopted Quebecer, mother to two lovely jewels, the spouse of a pretty great guy, and a yoga instructor for children. Dig a little deeper, and you’ll discover that I’m passionate about the welfare of children (they’re the future of our planet!) and am a real people person. I love to learn, I love nature, music, the arts… in short, I love life and everything that’s authentic. I look forward to sharing yoga practice with you and/or your children!! Certified by Yoga Alliance and the Fédération francophone de yoga.