Attending a yoga class on a regular basis can be tough, what with our daily work grind and the thousands of commitments we are constantly making. There’s a solution to this problem: many studios offer lunchtime yoga classes, and some instructors will even run sessions in the workplace. In fact, this is how I first discovered yoga!
A lunchtime yoga class not only provides an opportunity to practice a sport without disrupting your busy schedule, it also delivers many unexpected benefits. First, the class recharges your energy and provides a quick boost to get through the afternoon. Just imagine channelling all that post-class energy into your work – amazing, right? It can also raise your motivation level, and help the day go by more quickly and pleasantly. Research has shown that spending an entire day at your workstation can have a negative effect on how you perceive the passage of time.
A yoga class with your work colleagues can also strengthen the bonds between co-workers along with your sense of belonging to a team. It’s like an accessible, easy, and quick team-building exercise. Finally, taking a yoga break can help you set aside any lingering problems or issues at work, and go back an hour later feeling more objective and refreshed. What more can you ask for?
Many instructors offer yoga class in the workplace and there’s usually something for everyone. Just do a quick search on the Yogatribes site. If your company doesn’t allow onsite classes, you can look through our calendar to find a suitable class in your area.
And speaking of yoga in the workplace, one of our ambassadors, Bhaskar Goswami, runs classes founded on wellness at work and tailored to the corporate experience. Held at Bhaskar’s company, BODHI, these classes enable participants to lower their stress levels, develop a more positive mindset, work collaboratively, and foster a sense of overall wellness.
Try lunchtime yoga, and you’ll be hooked. Please share your experiences with me!
I’m looking for the most amazing yoga classes in Montreal
I’d love to talk about you or visit you. Would you like me to come to your studio?
Email me : claudine@yogatribes.blog