I knew Georges Laraque was a former hockey player, but had no idea he practiced yoga consistently for the last fifteen years. I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised: it’s a logical and natural combination as yoga and hockey are highly complementary. The former stretching and relaxing muscles over-stimulated by the latter.
Ever since becoming a vegan in 2009, Georges has been at the forefront of the health movement, first by becoming co-owner of the Délicieux Veg Fusion restaurant and Rise Kombucha, then as co-leader of the federal Green Party.
He also became a best-selling author with the publication of his memoirs À Force D’y Croire by Les Éditions de L’homme, not to mention being a sought after motivational speaker.
It was therefore written in the stars that Georges Laraque would become a shareholder of Yoga Tribes. Our partnership will begin soon as his restaurant will be an integral part of our upcoming immersive Sound-Off event on August 9th. I’m really looking forward to it!
“Being a major fan of yoga for more than fifteen years, and always on the lookout for new trends, I was quickly intrigued, then smitten by the immersive Sound-Off event hosted by Yoga Tribes. After finding out more about their business, I discovered a perfect fit with my own life philosophy and decided to partner with them more permanently by becoming a motivated shareholder!” says Georges Laraque.
It’s also a great way to show that yoga really is for everyone. Georges Laraque is the proof that one can adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle, which includes healthy eating as well as exercise and yoga.
Georges is also keen to show that yoga is not only for women. I’m convinced that this partnership will help many people who are curious about this discipline, men, the elderly, sedentary but also athletes discover yoga and its countless benefits, including injury prevention, as well as promote the practice to the population at large. I’m really excited to see what unfolds!
You can find out more about YogaTribes Sound-Off event and buy your tickets HERE.
I’m looking for the most amazing yoga classes in Montreal
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Email me : claudine@yogatribes.blog