June 21 was International Yoga Day, and to mark the occasion Yoga Tribes launched the first Tout le monde yoga à Montréal tour to help people new to the practice learn what yoga is all about first hand. The tour is basically a kind of Montreal yogafest (plus a weekend in the Eastern Townships!) with numerous free classes covering a wide range of styles throughout summer 2016.
Yoga can benefit everybody, but it’s surprising how many people think that you have to be super fit or flexible to even start practicing. That’s what’s great about the tour, because by giving newcomers an opportunity to join others who are in the same boat, we’re helping spread the word, show how easy it is to take up yoga, and also raise awareness of the amazing teachers we have in and around Montreal. No matter your height, age, weight or physical condition, there’s a yoga class for you, and Tout le monde yoga à Montréal is here to help you find it.
The tour’s first mats were laid out at the Food Truck-themed First Friday’s event with a free outdoor class on the promenade at Montreal’s Olympic Stadium. The tour is continuing has already received a ton of press coverage in Huffington Post, Loulou, TVA and other outlets, so we’re super stoked!
We’re proud and happy to be a part of reaching out to Montrealers who never realized how fun and easy it is to get involved in yoga. Check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/yogatribes for up-to-date info on the tour or visit the tour page on YogaTribes at https://www.toutlemondeyoga.com to see our class schedule and teacher roster.