It was Mahault that approached me, telling me I absolutely had to go see her team at Yoga Shak. I didn’t really know the place, so I simply opted for a Vinyasa course, given by Mahault. It was a course that fit with my schedule, as I didn’t have to check it twice.
Upon our arrival to Yoga Shak, we caught a glimpse of Decarie (Autoroute 15), making our way upstairs to the first floor, and then the second. Arrows indicate to go up higher, higher, and higher for Yoga. The more we move up, the more we forget where we are, until we find ourselves in a quiet studio where tea and fresh water awaits us.
The classroom, charming, with a platform overhanging a beautiful window (Behind the window is the highway, but you can no longer see it. You only see the blue sky.) Furthermore, there’s a painting on which inspirational quotes are inscribed. The ceilings seem so high that one feels there’s enough space to stretch. Nevertheless, when entering the studio, I felt more than welcomed.
The course I followed was a Vinyasa that lasted 1h30. I was a little rusty from Yoga and tired from my day that I was scared not being able to follow along. Moreover, I was saying to myself, “Am I really going to work out for 1h30?” I find that an hour is usually really long. However, Mahault had to say the exact same thing, as she was the one preparing the course. Because it needs a perfect structure, followed by several sequences, punctuated by relaxing pauses, and postures, it’s inevitable that Mahault teaches an advanced level of Yoga. She offers very difficult postures, but she always offers an alternative to those who are less advanced.
The studio’s schedule is complete, offering various courses for different schedules. There are open doors on September 30th. This is a great way to discover the studio. Take a look at their page for more information.
I’m looking for the most amazing yoga classes in Montreal
I’d love to talk about you or visit you. Would you like me to come to your studio?
Email me : claudine@yogatribes.blog