and why we need them
Why should one practice yoga and why is it especially recommended for frequent gym users?
There are millions of reasons yoga class is beneficial to anybody, but here are few reasons you should combine your fitness routine with a yoga practice:
• Yoga is the only practice that deals both with mind and body;
• Only way to get a full body detox: external body and even on physiological level;
• The time where one can tune in, work on your confidence and accept self fully;
• More than a stretch, it works on the tone and strength of all muscles;
• Relieves aches, tensions or pain, gentle to the body and prevents or heal injuries;
• Yoga helps regulate stress, therefore very anti-inflammatory which aids in weight management;
• Yoga is anti-gravity therefore antioxidant (slows the ageing process as study shows)
Here are the benefits of some basic poses we love:
This pose is a hip-opener, it stretches the knees while keeping the spine straight, it helps develop a good posture, it aids with menstrual discomfort and cramps, as well as sciatica.
Calms the brain and increases awareness & concentration.
This pose improves the flexibility of the back, improves posture and balance, strengthens and stretches the spine, massages the organs, hence it benefits the digestive system;
Balances hormones, relieves stress and calms the mind.
Downward Facing Dog
This pose is an energizer, strengthens the arms and legs. When rightly done with alignment cues, it will prevent bone issues. This pose can calm the brain, hence aid in relieving stress.
When the head is supported in this pose, it can also be good to relieve cramps.
Tonifies the thighs, ankles, buttocks, hips and the back, with arms up, it will tone also the shoulders and arms. It stretches the Achilles tendons and the shins, a great relief for people with flat feet and a wonderful chest opener, hence it tones the heart.
This pose also aids in toning the digestive organs.
This pose tones all the core muscles: abs, chest and lower back, it strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders. It helps prepare the body for more challenging poses like arm balances, tones the muscles around the spine which will help improve overall posture.
Although, we consider the above poses to be basics in a session, it is not recommended for anybody at any moment as it depends on the person’s past injuries, existing ailments and the level of physical awareness. To find out how to safely get into a pose, stay in a pose, then get out properly, always consult a certified teacher or instructor in person at a studio nearby. You can find any instructor or studio by consulting our website: www.yogatribes.com
Jewel Harini Lee
Certified yoga teacher (675+ YTT), specialized in alignment and restorative yoga
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